Monday, January 29, 2007

today's list....

here's a new list of civilized things:

1 The rapas served by street vendors on Sunday morning in fromt of Our Lady of Guadalupe on 14th St between 8th and 9th Avenues. you can smell the corn a block away. wrapped in banana leaf is a marvelous pancake of cornmeal with a nice plop of intricately spiced, fiery roast chicken or pork. The cornmeal pancake is the key as it has enough flavor to act as a counterweight to the meat, not just as rice might functino in Thai food. awesome. cheapo at 2.50 each. great rice in hot milk too.

2. plenty more Melvins: got The Bootlicker and Hostile Ambient Takeover this weekend in brushing up for my big Melvins trip to LA. ALBUM COVERS SHOW!! gorgeous, confusing, disciplined, and towering records.

3. The fact that Roger Federer played a great match to steamroll in the Austrailian Open and that it was in the rear of the New York Times Sports Section.. Federer is so fucking good that his triumph is relegated to behind yet another pre-super-bowl dealie.. everyone should watch him. David Foster Wallace does.

4. Appellation St. Emilion Grand Cru

more later today...

1 comment:

Salty Miss Jill said...

mmm...rapas and St. Emillion grand cru...most civilized indeed. Did you bring your meat-filled treat home with you, or did you drink the juice out of a paper bag in front of the stand?